Senin, 05 April 2021

The Magic Balancer Project


Magic Balancer Project?

Magic Balancer is a deflationary governance DEFI token which provides exceptional rewards to active users via Smart Contract protocols, while seamlessly incorporating transactional rewards with liquidity rebalancing features. MGB token is designed to be sustainable and maximize its value by being truly deflationary and encouraging users to be active by offering exceptional rewards. Every reward MGB token distributes is never detrimental to the overall supply, this means that the growth of MGB token will never be hindered in any way. Every Magic Balancer protocol is built to be 100% trustless and require no human interaction to keep them running. This ensures that all of Magic Balancer’s protocols can run forever and never be shut down by the result of human intervention. This also means that as a token holder you never have to place your trust in any human for any reason. The only thing you can trust in the crypto space is code, it never lies and once its deployed it can never change the way it performs functions. The best projects in crypto are the ones that provide 100% trustless protocols and prove that fact with complete code transparency. This is exactly what Magic Balancer offers, this is our core belief and the only way we will ever release protocols.

At its core, MGB charges a 1% transaction fee and re-distributes that fee to existing MGB holders instantly and automatically at the time of each transaction.
Unique features of the MGB smart contract allow certain addresses like the Uniswap pool or exchange wallets to be blocked from earning fees. Bicause of this, 100% of the fees generated go to holders of the token.The percentage of fees you erarn is calculated by the percentage of MGB that you own among holders. This generates a much higher yield than would otherwise be possible.
There is no team or central party that has to award the fees. There is no interface to claim the fees. No action needs to be taken on your part other than to hold MGB in a wallet you control.

Magic Balancer Features

Every rebalance $MGB token price can raise up to %2. This can be happens every hour up to 24 times a day! After 1 week Presale end 1 $MGB worth of $4000 for this mechanism.

The exchange is an automated market maker (“AMM”) that allows two tokens to be exchanged on the Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum Mainnet.

ETH ~ BSC Bridge
Mechanism that enables token exchange between cross chains without any impermanent loss.

The $MGB Token

MGB’s KEY mechanic ensures that it’s uniswap price is constantly increasing in value (Assuming Market pressures are neutral). This is done by temporarily removing a portion of liquidity from the MGB /ETH pair, market buying MGB with the ETH, then burning the entirety of the remaining MGB. Essentially rebalancing the Uniswap MGB /ETH pair and raising the value of MGB in relation to ETH.
This token is designed specifically to be integrated into Necromancer’s ecosystem.
The MGB token is extremely simple and only has two functions.

The Launch

Starts on March. 2rd at 19:00 UTC. No whitelist needed.
Held directly on, to participate simply connect your Metamask, enter the amount of ETH you wish to send and click buy. MGB tokens will be instantly returned via our presale contract. Metamask is preferred, do not use exchange accounts.

No min, 3 ETH-30BNB Max buy.
10% referral reward distributed instantly via presale contract. Click REFERRAL button on Presale section and copy your referral link(required to connect with wallet)


Token info

  • Ticker: MGB
  • Platform: Binance Chain, Ethereum
  • Token Type: Utility
  • Available for sale: 150,000 MGB (50%)
  • Total supply: 300,000 MGB


  • ICO Price: 1 MGB = 0.001 ETH
  • Accepting: ETH, BNB
  • Hard cap: 30 ETH

Tokenomics for ETH Chain

  • 300,000 MGB — Total Supply
  • 150,000 MGB — Presale
  • 85,000 MGB — Initial Liquidity
  • 35,000 MGB — Marketing, Promotions and Community Engagement.
  • 30,000 MGB — Team Tokens
  • Presale — 1 ETH = 999 MGB ($1,5 *)
  • Presale Max Buy = 3 ETH ($4,500*)
  • Initial Listing — 1 ETH = 799 MGB ($1.88*) ~ %25 higher than presale
  • Presale Hardcap = 30 ETH ($45,000*)
  • 70% ETH (21 ETH — $31,500*) provided towards liquidity.
  • 20% ETH (6 ETH — $9,000*) provides future development, partnerships, marketing, community building, cex listing and expanding team.
  • 10% ETH (3 ETH — $4,500*) presale referral rewards.
  • based on ETH price of $1500.00

Tokenomics for BSC

  • 300,000 MGB — Total Supply
  • 150,000 MGB — Presale
  • 85,000 MGB — Initial Liquidity
  • 35,000 MGB — Marketing, Promotions and Community Engagement.
  • 30,000 MGB — Team Tokens
  • Presale — 1 BNB = 99 MGB ($2,5 *)
  • Presale Max Buy = 30 BNB ($7,500*) ~ No min amount
  • Initial Listing — 1 BNB = 79 MGB ($3,16*) ~ %25 higher than presale
  • Presale Hardcap = 300 BNB ($75,000*)
  • 70% BNB (210BNB — $52,500*) provided towards liquidity.
  • 20% BNB (60 BNB — $15,000*) provides future development, partnerships, marketing, community building, cex listing and expanding team.
  • 10% BNB (30 BNB — $7,500*) presale referral rewards.
  • based on BNB price of $250.00

The trading on Uniswap-Pancakeswap will progress instantly at the end of our presale.
All ETH-BNB allocated for initial liquidity is instantly deposited into the MGB token contract. The MGB token contract has a “createUniswapPair” function which can be seen on contract write function #6 at


Magic Balancer Community

Official Website :
Whitepaper :
Telegram :
Github :
Medium :
Twitter :
Snapshot :

profile :

bitcointalk username : Ainulyaqin

bitcoin talk url :;u=2787764

ETH : 0x1B7BE3cdd815FAf96a141D1FCABfFFc66D8cE36a 

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